For those who desire to take their personal, professional and/or organizational leadership to the next level in 6 or 12 weeks, Jeanine offers two leadership development sessions. Each session is 6 weeks, includes 2 individual coaching sessions, and is limited to no more than 6 participants. As a Professor at the Adult Professional, Graduate and Doctoral levels, Dr. Parolini recommends these two 6-week sessions as vital to developing leadership confidence and effectiveness:
Personal Success and Leadership Effectiveness
Week 1 – Foundational commitments for personal and leadership effectiveness
Week 2 – Capitalizing on our personality, talent, purpose and passion
Week 3 – Engaging with emotional intelligence
Individual Coaching Session 1 to apply assessments to personal and professional leadership contexts
Week 4 – Engaging differences to be innovative
Week 5 – Getting on the solution side of conflict and differences
Week 6 – Authentically representing my personal and leadership best
Individual coaching session 2 to discuss personal and leadership next steps and commitments
Leading Within My Organization
Week 1 – Understanding and assessing organizational health
Week 2 – Diagnosing the culture and climate of my organization
Individual coaching session 1 to discuss leadership fit and potential within my organization
Week 3 – Developing people and teams through informal or formal influence
Week 4 – Leading individual, team and organizational change
Week 5 – Navigating ethical issues within my organization
Individual coaching session 2 to discuss best next steps for my leadership within or outside of my current organization
Week 6 – Authentically navigating my best leadership within my organization

To enroll in the next Leadership Group, please contact:
Dr. Jeanine Parolini
651.295.6044 (cell)